Thursday, 13 February 2014

Install and load missing specified/needed packages on the fly

This is a short script to help installing packages on the fly.It is most useful if you are distributing a set of script files to people who may not be aware that the needed packages are not installed on their systems. It is also useful if you use many packages and want to organise their installation (if missing) and/or loading at the beginning of a script.
#A short script to help installing packages on the go
#Most useful if you are distributing a set of script files to people who may not be aware that the needed packages are not installed
#Also useful if you use many packages and want to organise their loading at the beginning of a script
need<-c("jpeg","tcltk2","zoo") #needed packages for a job
ins<-installed.packages()[,1] #find out which packages are installed
(Get<-need[which(,ins)))]) # check if the needed packages are installed
if(length(Get)>0){install.packages(Get)} #install the needed packages if they are not-installed
eval(parse(text=paste("library(",need,")")))#load the needed packages

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